100 Day Challenge


Shortly after graduating in the Spring of 2021, I struggled to stay connected as I entered a remote working world. To keep myself learning and motivated throughout the job-hunting process, I decided to take on the “100 Day Challenge”. The challenge is straightforward: pick a theme, and create one piece around that theme for 100 days in a row (Spoiler Alert: I did not finish in exactly 100 days!).

For my theme, I chose global cities as I discovered while studying abroad in Sweden that I not only knew very little about other world views but had a fascination for the subject. Each day I’d illustrate a city and post some information about the city/country on Instagram.

On this page, I’ve highlighted some of my favorites, but feel free to hop over to my Instagram @iday0 to see all 100 days! If you want to support me further, you can buy the postcards I made of my challenge by shooting me an email on my “About” page.

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