Leading up to the 2022 Midterm Election, I worked for Pivot as a Cycle Graphic Designer. Over the course of seven months, I designed over 100 campaign assets on 54 different national campaigns and made more than 600 proofing edits for print production.
Although Pivot focuses on direct mail, my work also included designing additional print and digital collateral such as logos, merchandise, and social media graphics for clients. Of Pivot’s 140+ clients, the most notable campaigns I designed for are Planned Parenthood, the SEIU, Everytown for Gun Safety, Somos Votantes, BlackPAC, Antonio Delgado for Lt. Governor of New York, and Mandela Barnes for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin.
Company /
The Pivot Group | 2022 Midterm Election
Art Directors: Em Parsons & Nick Snyder
Project /
Graphic Design
Editing & Proofing
Print & Press Production